Featured above is Becca, an amazing esthetician who owns The Brow Isle! Her Instagram is @thebrowisle -- check her out and give her a follow!
Per marketing experts, we are exposed to 4,000-10,000 brands PER DAY.
That's an insane number, right??
Think about it, though--every time you use a social media platform, or Google something, watch TV, or run some errands, you are faced with brands and marketing messages in some manner or another. Our brains are so constantly overwhelmed by them, that we've learned to simply tune most of them out.
So when you're a professional who offers a service, or sells products, how do you get people's brains to NOT tune you out, too?
In social media marketing, it's colloquially called “Stop the Scroll”.
It's a strategic use of images, sound, and/or copy (word choice) to immediately grab your audience's attention. Our brains are able to assess if something is worth paying attention to or not within 3 seconds or less. In order to attract attention, you need to put forth something that instantly entices through sight, sound, or feeling, and make it a darn good something.
When it comes to putting forth ourselves and our businesses, the most powerful tool in our tool belt to help us stand out, also happens to be the easiest:
Don't underestimate the power of photos, and what it can do to grab the attention of your target audience!
Bad branding images, however, can have the opposite effect. You work HARD to earn and retain the attention of your audience, so be sure to choose high quality, masterful images that convey intentional messages (oh hey, we can help you do that!) to the people you want to work with someday.